Staging’s Post top ten self-publishing to look out for in 2023

Staging’s Post top ten self-publishing to look out for in 2023

As a self-published author or future author, it is essential to be aware of current trends in the self-publishing industry. The industry is constantly evolving, and staying up to date on developments will keep you ahead of the curve. Staging Post has done a little bit of research and we have compiled a list of six current trends in self-publishing. There are other trends out there, but in our eyes,

Top Ten Tips For Marketing Your Book

Top Ten Tips For Marketing Your Book

At Staging Post, our authors often ask us how they can market their book to reach the widest possible audience. There are many marketing opportunities out there for books, but the author needs to make sure that they tap into the right channels to reach their readers. This may sound like a difficult task, but there are ways to make this step much easier. We have compiled our own top

The How-to-Self-Publish Masterclass

The How-to-Self-Publish Masterclass

Do you want to self-publish your book but don’t know how it works? Check out our How-to-Self-Publish Masterclass recording: The How-to-Self-Publish Guide is for those looking to do it for themselves, but who are too nervous to ask how it works. We start with an overview of the different self-publishing models out there, the costs involved, advantages and disadvantages, as well as success tips. Second, the class will look at

Introduction to ebooks

Introduction to ebooks

What is an ebook? As an author you are probably familiar with the term ebook; an e-book is a non-editable, reflowable book that has been converted to a digital format and is read on an electronic device like a computer or e-reading device, such as a tablet. There are many ebook formats that you should consider as not all formats work on all devices, and it is important that you

Taking stock of different publishing models in 2024

Taking stock of different publishing models in 2024

In 2024, there are many publishing models available to authors.  We will be looking at a few of these publishing models, so you can decide which publishing strategy would be best for you and your book. Traditional publishing This is the publishing model most authors think of when they want to publish their book. The process involves submitting your manuscript to a publishing house that specialises in your book’s genre.