Interview with Catherine Hodgson

We had the incredible opportunity to get an author interview from Catherine Hodgson where she discusses her publishing journey. Catherine has just published her book, The Mentoring Roadmap. Dive into the world behind the words as Catherine shares insights into her writing process, inspiration, and the journey behind her wonderful book.

Interview with Catherine

Catherine’s book guides you through your mentoring learning using her unique mentoring model, The Catherine Wheel. Mentors and those who want to be mentored will benefit from the mentoring structure, the practical tips, the numerous shared stories, the skills required for your conversations, in addition to the exercises, worksheets, and sample agendas.

The interview:

Q: What inspired you to write your book?

I had so much material that I had written for various organizations on mentoring and thought it was time to collate what I had learned over the past 15 years and put it all together in a book.  I wanted to share it with the world, hoping to make an impact on people’s lives, beyond the people in the organizations I was touching or the participants who attended my Mentoring Masterclass.

 Q: What Was Your Favourite Part Of Publishing Your Book?

I enjoyed the actual writing of the book best of all.  When it came to the publishing part, it was seeing the cover of my book come to life and then holding the book for the first time in my hands.  Of course, working with Aimèe Armstrong was an absolute pleasure – professional all the way!

Q: What Advice Would You Give An Author Planning To Publish Their First Book?

The writing is the easy part.  The finishing and editing takes much longer than you expect.  Be patient, have fanatical attention to detail, and don’t rush it – rather do it properly and end up with something that you are proud of. My husband would always tell me “Don’t let the tail wag the dog”.  Take your time and if the launch date needs to move out, then move it out – you are in control!

Catherine was kind enough to share an interview she did on OFM:

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