What in the world is a blurb?

What in the world is a blurb?

You may have heard the term blurb before, but you don’t know what it is! A blurb is a short description of your book and can be found on the back cover. A good blurb is on par with a good cover image and both need to stand out. The blurb has to be engaging enough to convince the audience that this is one hell of a book. It is

Editing done and dusted, so what’s next?

Editing done and dusted, so what’s next?

Now that your manuscript has been edited it is time to shift your attention to what you want your book to look and feel like. In the publishing world, this stage of the process is called design and layout. There are various things you need to think about when deciding on the look and feel of your book: The cover The size The paper The interior design Your content and

Where’s the Proof?

Where’s the Proof?

After your book has been designed and laid out you have to wait a little bit longer before you see it again. Don’t worry it’s just being proofread. Proofreading takes about 2 weeks. A different editor to the one who edited the book proofreads the laid-out book on a hard copy called a “proof”. What does a proofreader do? They have fresh eyes. The proofreader isn’t just looking out for

Happy Book Birthday to Krystal Kolnik!

Happy Book Birthday to Krystal Kolnik!

Congratulations to Krystal Kolnik on publishing her first book, Lessons from the Frogs I’ve Kissed. In her book, Krystal looks back at her significant adult relationships, over the last 20 years, and shares the invaluable life lessons she learned from them.  She hopes that others will learn from her story and better understand their own relationships. From the author We asked Krystal about her publishing journey. This is what she had

What Does an Editor Really Do?

What Does an Editor Really Do?

Why is editing important? Editing is a necessity for any manuscript and no book should ever be published without having been seen by an editor. According to Butcher (2011), ‘the main aims of editing are to remove any obstacles between the reader and what the author wants to convey’, and this allows for a good and seamless reading experience. Nothing can ruin a book quite as quickly as bad or

5 Romance Writing Courses

Have you always wanted to write a romance novel, but do not know where to start? Writing is no easy feat and can seem daunting. Don’t despair, there are people who can help! There are multiple writing courses available in South Africa, both online and offline. We have listed and summarised our top 5 picks. The website link for each course has been included so you can explore your options

5 Ways To Identify A Good Self-Publishing Service Provider & Why You Should Use One

5 Ways To Identify A Good Self-Publishing Service Provider & Why You Should Use One

Aguest post for Writers Write As an author, self-publishing gives you the independence to make your book your way. This doesn’t mean that you have to go it alone, though. You’re likely not a trained editor, proof-reader, book designer, or book production specialist. You shouldn’t attempt to both write and publish your book using your skills alone. As a layman, a self-published book may appear acceptable to you. If it is

How to Plan a Book Event: Launch Checklist

How to Plan a Book Event: Launch Checklist

The things that authors dream of: being published; seeing their book piled up high in thewindow displays of every bookshop;achieving fame and glory through an extensive author tour (just like in the movies); wonderfulmedia coverage and glittering reviews; and a very well-attended book launch at which anenormous amount of copies are sold to a diverse crowd and everyone raves aboutthe writing.   The reality is different. It is difficult to