Self-published author interview: Reinhard Korb

Self-published author interview: Reinhard Korb

Staging Post recently assisted first-time self-published author, Reinhard Korb in the publishing of his first book, Keep Thriving: Your (meta) map to a better life. Using his own experience and research, his book is a guide to navigating towards a higher level of living and a more meaningful life. This book will become your own personal map, loaded with practical exercises, real stories, thought-provoking questions and dIt iseep theory, equipping

Self-published author interview with Quibell Ramantswana

Self-published author interview with Quibell Ramantswana

We asked Quibell to answer a few questions about his self-publishing journey. Quibell recently published his family’s history as a beautiful hardcover book, in English and Thsivenda. Quibell tells the story of the Ramantswana family with stories and information gathered from his elders. The author hopes that this book will be read by many more generations of his family and by others as well. What inspired you to write your

Self-published author interview: Marlene Bethlehem

Self-published author interview: Marlene Bethlehem

Marlene Bethlehem recently self-published her memoir, To Serve with Love, with Staging Post. We were delighted to be part of her publishing journey and see this wonderful biography come to life on the page. To Serve with Love is a fascinating account of Marlene’s life, from her days playing Wimbledon to taking an active leadership role in the South African Jewish community. She gives a vivid account of serving in

The How-to-Self-Publish Masterclass

The How-to-Self-Publish Masterclass

Do you want to self-publish your book but don’t know how it works? Check out our How-to-Self-Publish Masterclass recording: The How-to-Self-Publish Guide is for those looking to do it for themselves, but who are too nervous to ask how it works. We start with an overview of the different self-publishing models out there, the costs involved, advantages and disadvantages, as well as success tips. Second, the class will look at

Author Interview: Tshegofatso Mabelane

Author Interview: Tshegofatso Mabelane

Many books have come through Staging Post’s door, but Dr Tshegofatso Mabelane’s book, Basics of Allergy in Primary Care, was truly something special to work on. The book gives a practical approach to history taking, examination and diagnosis of common allergic conditions. Read about her publishing experience.

Author Interview: Cornwell Dauds

Author Interview: Cornwell Dauds

It is always an honour when authors come back to us with follow-up publications. A big congratulations to Cornwell Dauds on the publication of his latest book, ‘Dauds on Finance and Derivatives’! As a publishing veteran, Cornwell shares his tips and insights into the writing and publishing process. 

Introduction to ebooks

Introduction to ebooks

What is an ebook? As an author you are probably familiar with the term ebook; an e-book is a non-editable, reflowable book that has been converted to a digital format and is read on an electronic device like a computer or e-reading device, such as a tablet. There are many ebook formats that you should consider as not all formats work on all devices, and it is important that you