What is a manuscript assessment and why should you consider one?

You have spent many months (or maybe even years) writing your book and now you are ready to have it published. However, you are not sure whether your manuscript is completely ready for this next step. This is a doubt that many authors face, especially those who are publishing for the first time. At this point, you should send your manuscript for an assessment. What does a manuscript assessment entail?

Taking stock of different publishing models in 2024

In 2024, there are many publishing models available to authors.  We will be looking at a few of these publishing models, so you can decide which publishing strategy would be best for you and your book. Traditional publishing This is the publishing model most authors think of when they want to publish their book. The process involves submitting your manuscript to a publishing house that specialises in your book’s genre.

The wonderful world of typography

What is typography? You may have heard people talking about fonts, typefaces or typography on your journey to becoming a published author. Typography refers to the arrangement/design of text elements on a book page. This involves choosing typefaces (e.g. the font family), font weights (such as thin or heavy), font styles (such as bold or italic), font sizes for the body text, heading and sub-headings, line spacing, margin sizes, header

First impressions matter

  Just as you want to make a good first impression by how you look, your cover must do the same for your book. If your book cover fails to make a good first impression, a reader is unlikely to buy it. Your book cover has to appeal to your readers as this is your first chance to sell your book to them. A well-designed book cover shows the reader

Three books displaying different blurbs

What in the world is a blurb?

You may have heard the term blurb before, but you don’t know what it is! A blurb is a short description of your book and can be found on the back cover. A good blurb is on par with a good cover image and both need to stand out. The blurb has to be engaging enough to convince the audience that this is one hell of a book. It is