Many books have come through Staging Post’s door, but Dr Tshegofatso Mabelane’s book, Basics of Allergy in Primary Care, was truly something special to work on. The book gives a practical approach to history taking, examination and diagnosis of common allergic conditions. It provides up-to-date management of allergic diseases in a primary care setting. A beautifully written and designed pocket guide for medical students, primary care nurses and clinicians to allergy practice.
Tshegofatso graciously agreed to share her publishing experience with us.
The interview
Q: What inspired you to write your book?
I had spent so much time in underserved areas, teaching health care workers about allergic diseases. This became overwhelming and I identified a need to write a book and share the knowledge.
Q: What was your favourite part of publishing your book?
Simplifying the book so that not only doctors would be able to read, but anyone interested in reading about allergic disease. The editor accomplished beyond expectation. The design was also amazing, the team understood exactly what I wanted the book like.
Q: What Advice Would You Give An Author Planning To Publish Their First Book?
I was not confident in having my first book published, but Staging Post showed such immense support that I became excited and enjoyed every step. My work was understood and never compromised. The team as a whole works with you and communicates throughout the journey, from editing, proofreading, design, indexing to printing. This changed from a “daunting task to mission accomplished!”